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Cubbie - Level 1 (Cubbie - John Paul II Library) Capacity: 1


University life can be hectic, with deadlines, exams, and endless commitments competing for our attention. That's where Cubbie comes in.
Cubbie is more than just a space; it's designed to provide respite for students and staff alike. Imagine stepping into a serene environment, complete with gentle lighting, calming sounds, and comfortable seating – a place where you can unwind and relax.

Whether you need a moment of tranquility between classes or a refuge from the pressures of university life, Cubbie is here for you. Join us and discover how Cubbie can enhance your well-being and support you on your academic journey.

Accessible Seat/Space


Level 1 in the John Paul II Library Cubbie PIN 555555

   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding